Curry Mallet, Somerset

Curry Mallet is a small and peaceful village in Somerset, 7 miles from the county town of Taunton. It sits in particularly attractive countryside, with the backdrop of the Blackdown Hills and views that reach across to the Somerset Levels. It's a nice place to be, there's no denying that; there are good circular walks around the village on the surrounding lanes and footpaths, or it's nice just to stroll around and look about at the old cottages and impressive historic buildings. Have lunch in the pub, The Bell Inn, or go to the little shop-come-post-office that's very well stocked with all the basics and homemade goodies, and even has a little cafe where you can sit and enjoy a piece of cake and a cup of tea. There's a good village community, with well attended regular events throughout the year, especially the annual summer fete. Hang about and it won't take long to feel the pace of life slow down and any weight lifted from your shoulders.

All information correct at the time of writing

Large Holiday Homes in Somerset