Quantock Hills, Somerset

The beautiful Quantock Hills (AONB) lie between the Somerset towns of Taunton and Bridgwater, stretching out to the Bristol Channel coastline, and giving some panoramic views across the landscape and to Wales. The Quantocks are great for a day out; for picnicking, for walks, cycling or horseriding – it’s easy to see why the romantic poets Wordsworth and Coleridge found so much inspiration for their famous works when walking these hills; they spent a considerable amount of time here, with Wordsworth and his sister Dorothy resident at Alfoxston Park, and Coleridge in nearby Nether Stowey, where you can still visit Coleridge Cottage (NT). The Quantocks comprise 48 square miles to explore - rugged heathland, deep wooded valleys and narrow country lanes leading to little villages and charming country pubs where you can stop for lunch. Climb to Wills Neck, the highest point on the Quantocks, and then head back down to the Carew Arms at Crowcombe for lunch.

All information correct at the time of writing

Large Holiday Homes in Somerset