Walking With Wizards, Glastonbury, Somerset

And now for something completely different. An Avalon Adventure with Walking With Wizards is fascinating and very enjoyable, so if you’re looking for activities when you’re on your large group holidays in Somerset, this is something you should definitely look into.

Your adventure is a guided tour that starts at Glastonbury Abbey, the beautiful hallowed ruins said to be the final resting place of King Arthur and his queen, Guenevere. It takes you along old pilgrims’ paths to the Sacred Thorn Tree said to have spring from the ground when, arriving in Britain, Joesph of Arimathea reached Wearyall Hill and thrust his staff into the ground. You then follow faerie lanes through the Jesus Field to the Orchards of Avalon, and on to the top of Glastonbury Tor. You’ll hear tales local legends along the way and take part in a healing ceremony on the Tor, led by your guide.

Round off your adventure with something to eat in one of the many cafes and pubs in the town. Tours take 2-3 hours and are for 2-10 people. Book online.

All information correct at the time of writing

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