Chris’s Café - Seaton, Axmouth, Seaton, Devon

Chris’s café is tucked away on the harbour at Axmouth on the way in to Seaton and small it may be but it’s quite a hub with locals, visitors, and the fishermen who bring their catch in just a few steps away.

It’s a bit of a gem, especially if you’re not one for pretensions; the atmosphere is convivial, service is friendly and dogs are welcome. Food is of the bacon butties, chips and bap type which sometimes is just what you need, especially when that salty sea air hits you. Sit in the yard with a cup of tea and watch the comings and goings; the fishermen returning to weigh what they’ve caught, people heading to the beach or for a walk along the Undercliff Nature Reserve, families crabbing. Pop in the tackle shop next door and buy some lines and buckets and have a go yourself, or hire a kayak and take to the waters of the beautiful Axe Estuary.

Chris’s Café opens early for breakfast and in the summer stays open until 8pm – and what a lovely spot to sit as the sun slips below the horizon. Open early (usually from about 7am) but best to check their FaceBook page for exact times.

T: 01297 625511 All information correct at the time of writing

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