Canal Trust Café, Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire

Come to this cafe in Bradford on Avon and you’ll feel any tension slip away from your shoulders; it’s so relaxed, so welcoming, and it’s not just the canal side setting that makes it so, it’s the friendly owners and the charming interiors. Inside is not enormous by any means – it only seats about 20 people, so you wouldn’t all want to go at once if the weather isn’t good, but if the sun is out, it’s fine because they have a big garden outside.

Food is seasonal and most if it is homemade; they do a very good burger, a choice of sandwiches and baguettes, and soup at lunchtimes, though service kicks off well before that with hearty breakfasts, and it keeps going all day long with countless pots of tea and scrummy cakes.

The Barbara McLellen narrow boat departs for trips just outside the café and they’ll do food for you to take on board - cake, cream tea, even a buffet if you’re chartering the boat for a special occasion.

Open: Every day 9.30am-4.30pm
T: 01225 868683 All information correct at the time of writing

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