Brockhampton, Bringsty, Bromyard, Herefordshire

Owned by the National Trust, Brockhampton lies just a few miles from Bromyard in Herefordshire. To visit is to step away from the chaos of modern life and into a different world, one with a very unspoilt air, where a gentleness pervades. The settign is beautiful, surrounded by rolling countryside; at the heart of the estate is the medieval moated manor house, Lower Brockhampton Manor, and wow, if you have a thing for history you're going to like this.

Look up at the timber frame of the Great Hall and you realise that this is a place that’s seen little change in 700 years. What’s good is that you can actually get stuck in and feel like you’re part of it all; play games in the 17th century parlour, rummage in the cupboards, make lavender bags; it’s just such a lovely way to spend a few hours. Stay for longer, go walking in the wooded parklands, an absolute delight in the autumn with all the golden-brown and red colours. Browse the second hand bookshop, get yourelf some new bedtime reading, and grab a coffee from the Granary Kiosk. This is where life slows down and the tension lifts from your shoulders, it's a good place to be.

Opening times vary throughout the year so check the website before you plan your trip. Dogs are welcome in the grounds but not the house
T: 01885 482077 All information correct at the time of writing

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