Hannah Peschar Sculpture Garden, Dorking, Surrey

If you take a stroll through the Hannah Peschar Sculpture Garden in Dorking the likelihood is that you’re going to come away feeling at peace with the world, a little lighter of heart. That’s the effect the garden has on you, it’s somewhere you can contemplate, where all your worries seem to evaporate for a while, it’s tranquil, magical, captivating, all of those things – and of course, it’s an art exhibition. There are some 200 sculptures around the garden by over 50 artists and to see how art and nature can work together like this is incredible; the effect is sometimes dramatic, sometimes surprising and almost always harmonious. It’s actually rather nice that they haven’t gone down the usual route of having a café on site; instead they allow picnics and have two designated areas for this. Well behaved dogs are welcome on leads.

Open: April – Oct  Thurs, Fri, Sat and Bank Holiday Mondays 11.00 am-6.00 pm Sun 12.00-5.00 pm
T: 01306 627269      All information correct at the time of writing

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