Curry Rivel, Somerset

Curry Rivel is a large village near Langport on the south western edge of the Somerset Levels. You'd be surprised what you can do here - fill up with petrol at the garage, stock up with provisions at the local shops, buy a wood-burner, and have stone baked pizza at the Firehouse. The village is a good starting point for walks, leaving from the car park; stroll up the lane to the village green, surrounded by centuries old thatched cottages and the church of St. Andrew. From there you can do a great 4 mile circular that takes you across the fields and up through the woods to the Burton Pynsent monument, which makes an excellent spot for a breather as the views from are incredible, stretching out across the Levels for miles and miles. Enroute you go along a drove where you look down upon a wetland nature reserve that's home to flocks of migratory birds, so it wouldn't hurt to have your binoculars tucked in your pocket.

All information correct at the time of writing

Large Holiday Homes in Somerset