Colyford Goose Fayre, Colyford, Seaton, Devon

If you’re staying in this part of Devon at the right time of year (usually the last Saturday in September) you really should go to Colyford Goose Fayre. It’s quite a spectacle and its origins date back to the reign of King John in the 12th century, so out they come, all the villagers, in medieval dress, for a procession led by the Mayor and his Lady to the field where the fayre is held. And that’s where all the main stuff goes on – appropriately themed fun and games like jousting, the greasy pole, and archery, as well as strolling dancers and players to entertain you. It’s all got the feel of a medieval village, which is the intention of course, and there are several tents where you can buy food and drink and local makers trade their wares. As you wander about you’ll see craftsmen beavering away at centuries old crafts like thatching and bodging, and everyone stops and chats and you know, it’s all very friendly and sociable. The culminating event of the afternoon is a Mummer’s play followed by a mock goose auction – both something else entirely.

T: 01297 551079
All information correct at the time of writing

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