Cerne Abbas, Dorset

What Cerne Abbas in Dorset is most famous for is the 180ft high naked, club wielding giant carved into the chalk hillside; it’s origins are unclear, possibly Saxon, possibly Celtic, but it attracts the tourists and has taken on quite a role in local folklore as a symbol of fertility due to its huge nether regions. So if you’re over this way, go and see it.

Whilst you’re here you really should have a stroll around the village because it’s really rather lovely. The old cottages and buildings that line the streets give it a certain timelessness and if you have sensible shoes on you can stroll along the leat and across the fields back down to one of the pubs or tea shops for refreshments. The remains of the Benedictine Abbey, once the centre of the community, are well worth seeing and will no doubt make you think that good old King ‘Enery has a lot to answer for.

It does get busy in the village – when something is this nice everyone wants to come and see it, so if you’re not one for crowds go out of season.

All information correct at the time of writing

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