Cancellations and Charges

Sometimes it happens; for whatever reason you need to cancel your holiday. In an ideal world we would love to give a full refund every time this happens, but unfortunately, we can’t do because like all businesses, we need to cover our losses.

So, we thought it would be a good idea to set out our policies regarding potential charges should you find yourself in this situation:

Firstly, it’s important to remember that when you book a holiday with Sleeps12 you agree to our Terms & Conditions at the time of booking, and that we always advise you to take out holiday insurance.

If you want to cancel your holiday, you need to let us know, in writing, as soon as possible; email is fine and we will need a copy of your Booking Confirmation. It’s important to remember that you’ll still be liable for all payments in respect of the booking, regardless of how much you’ve paid at the time of cancellation – but we will try our hardest to rebook the property for the cancelled dates and if we resell the holiday, you’re entitled to a fair refund. That will be the difference between any payment you’ve made to us less any amounts received from the rebooking after all expenses and costs incurred by us have been deducted.

To expand on this, there is always a £100 cancellation fee:

  • If you end up deciding to take the booking because it hasn’t rebooked, there will be a charge of £250.
  • If the property owner secures a booking for your dates there will still be a charge of £600 because that’s the value of the deposit Sleeps12 would have lost – sometimes this is more but it would not exceed £700.
  • You’ll be charged the full deposit amount once the final payment date is exceeded as that will be used to offer the dates at a discounted rate.
  • If the property isn’t rebooked, that’s when you’ll be charged the full booking value.

If you cancel a booking because we haven’t complied with the Terms & Conditions, you get a full refund, unless we didn’t comply due to reasons beyond our control.

If you leave your holiday house before the departure date you don’t get a refund.

Like we say, if we could give a full refund every time we would because we appreciate how frustrating it is for you. But rules are rules and it’s frustrating for us too; we have a business to run and though it might all seem straightforward, there are costs involved when bookings are cancelled and we have to cover our losses.

We hope this all makes sense to you. Fortunately, we don’t get many cancellations; what we wish for most of all is that you get to enjoy every minute of your stay and go home with very happy memories.

See Our Holiday Houses