Buzzards Woodland, Withleigh Tiverton, Devon

The walks at Buzzards Woodland take you across the meadows through sun-dappled woods where the Little Dart River winds contentedly along, nestled in a valley in the glorious Devon countryside. It’s steep in places and it can be muddy at certain times of the year, but goodness, this is manna for the soul; all that wholesome fresh air, beautiful scenery and nature all around.

In early spring the woodland floor is amassed with snowdrops nodding their little heads, and in May, the purple-blue haze of bluebells is a sight to behold; listen out for woodpeckers busy at work, and the cry of buzzards up above. In autumn walk ankle-deep in leaves, catch one as it floats down from the treetops and make a wish.

Buzzards Woodland is part of the Buzzards Estate, gifted to the NT in 1970; it’s actually comprised of 4 areas of woodlands where you can stroll through along the meandering, cross the footbridges and stop for a paddle in the stream or to turn over stones to see what bug life lurks there.

From the small NT car park at Withleigh, the 3.5 mile walk takes in all four woods, but there are shorter routes and if you’re staying at Babblebrook on your large family holiday in the UK, it’s just a stone’s throw away.

All information correct at the time of writing

Large Holiday Houses in Devon